Pharmachem continuously invests in social responsibility


"Worker of the Year" award

2024 - Forum on Philantrophy 2024: Philantrophy driving sustainable development

2021 - "Taking small steps to a better tommorow!",

2019 - Implementing standard MAMFORCE©,

2019 - Business and human rights,

2019 - „Be Healthy, Be Worthy!“,

2017 - "Together we create a better world",

2014 - "A small step towards nature conservation",

2013 - "PHARMACHEM ON TOP OF THE WORLD - with Ilina Arsova and our juniors",

2012 - "Pharmachem juniors visiting Pharmachem",

2012 - "Pharmachem supports the development of education and science at the international, national and local level", project implemented in partnership with IAESTE (International Organization for exchange of students from technical colleges),

 2011 - "Promoting a healthy lifestyle and love for nature - Following Zhana's footsteps", 

2011 - "Using natural colors in confectionery products consumed by the young population",

2010 - "Transparent work of the management and involving employees in the decision making process in the company",

2009 - "Strengthening capacities for teamwork and building loyalty to the company",

2009 - "Workshop for white brined cheese",

2009 - "Waste Management Plan for the Municipality of Gjorche Petrov",

2008 - "Training of employees in the State Agency for Food and other stakeholders in accordance with the requirements of the HACCP system",

2008 - "The most environmentally friendly company",

2008 - "Company with good corporate governance",

2007 - "Establishment of Association for environmental consultancy within the Economic Chamber of Macedonia".

Video: "Building capacities of small and medium size enterprises in the field of human rights", participation on roundtable, European Commission, Brussels, September 2012. By participating in this event Pharmachem has shown that it understands and respects the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.



2022 - Acknowledgement for CSR 2021 for the project  "Taking small steps to a better tommorow!" from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordinative Body for CSR,

2021 - Acknowledgement for the long-term cooperation from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius” - Skopje;

Video from the award ceremony of Pharmachem at the solemn celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics-Skopje

2022 - Acknowledgement for exceptional support and contribution of SOS Children's Village

2021 - Acknowledgement from the Scientific Research Association at the Student Union of Pharmacists of Macedonia;

2021Recognition from the Association of Pensioners from Gjorce Petrov-Skopje,

2021 - Recognition from the Municipality of Berovo for the special contribution to the development of the Municipality of Berovo, environmental protection and nature conservation,

2020 - Recognition from SOS Children's village for significant contribution and support in 2020,

2020 - Certificate of appreciation from the First Skopje Scouts Division for a scouts friendly company,

2019 - Certificate of appreciation for its commitment to implementing the standard MAMFORCE© within the European Union funded project "Promoting Business and Human Rights", implemented by NGO Konekt and Business Confederation of RNM,

2019 - Award for promoting human rights in business within the European Union funded project "Promoting Business and Human Rights", implemented by NGO Konekt and Business Confederation of RNM,

2019 - Award for the project "Be Healthy, Be Worthy!" from the the National Coordination Body for CSR and Ministry of Economy of RNM,

2019 - Award "Leaders for Sustainable Development Goals" awarded by the organizations „Konekt“, „Agora“ and the Global Compact Network from Bulgaria, supported by UNICEF and the Delegation of the European Union,

2018 - "Employer award" form international IAESTE fro 20 years of cooperation, 

2017 - Special jubilee recognition for continuous implementation of successful socially responsible practices 2007−2017 awarded by the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR,

2017 - Award for the project "Together we create a better world" from the National Coordination Body for CSR and Ministry of Economy of RNM,

2014 - Award for the project "A small step towards nature conservation" from the the National Coordination Body for CSR and Ministry of Economy of RM,

2012 - Second prize from the the National Coordination Body for CSR, Ministry of Economy of RNM and the innitiative "European CSR Award Scheme" for the project "Pharmachem juniors visiting Pharmachem",

2011 - Special jubilee recognition for continuous implementation of successful socially responsible practices 2007−2011 awarded by the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR,

2011 - Award from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR for the project "Promoting a healthy lifestyle and love for nature - following Zhana’s footsteps",

2011 - Acknowledgement from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR project "Using natural colors in confectionery products consumed by the young population",

2011 - Recognition from Center for Institutional Development - CIRa for prominent relation towards employees in 2011,

2010 - First prize from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR for the project "Transparent work of the management and involving employees in the decision making process in the company",

2009 - First prize from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR for the project "Strengthening capacities for teamwork and building loyalty to the company",

2009 - First prize from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR for the project "Workshop for white brined cheese",

2009 - Acknowledgement from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR for the project "Waste Management Plan for the Municipality of Gjorche Petrov",

2009 - Acknowledgement from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR for the project "Establishment of Environmental Laboratory",

2009 - Award from Center for Institutional Development - CIRa for an integrated approach to CSR in 2009, 

2008 - First prize from the Ministry of Economy and the National Coordination Body for CSR for the project Training of employees in the State Agency for Food and other stakeholders in accordance with the requirements of the HACCP system",

2008Acknowledgement of the City of Skopje for "The most environmentally friendly company",

2008 - Award from the Economic Chamber of the Republic of N.Macedonia, NGO Transparency-Zero corruption and Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia for “Company with good corporate governance”,

2007 - Oscar from the Economic Chamber of the Republic of Macedonia, NGO Transparency-Zero corruption, Economic Chamber of North-West Macedonia, Ministry of Economy of RNM and the National Coordination Body for CSR for the project - Corporate Social Responsibility Award South East Europe.


Адреса: Кичевска бр. 1, 1060 Скопје, п. фах 39, тел: +(389 2) 2031 193, е-пошта: